The rice PGI Delta del Po Grandi Riso is the guarantee of a product that comes exclusively from an uncontaminated territory, preserved from smog and far from industrial sophistications. Our grains have greater flavor and richness of potassium thanks to the beneficial influence of the sea, which only this territory can provide. PGI Delta del Po is also synonymous with the certainty of pure rice, 100% guarantee of the primary variety, ancient and authentic. The quality of PGI rice is certified by the Consorzio del Delta del Po (Po Delta Consortium), which ensures only 100% pure rice.

The great quality of the Grandi Riso rice comes from the short production chain that allows the product to reach store shelves in few steps.

Grandi Riso is the only Italian rice mill which can guarantee paddy drying process within its facility, with a production capacity of 750 tons per day.

Rice production consists of two steps: the first one is the removal of the hard protective husk through a process which has not changed over time. Once removed, the rice grain is packaged as brown rice.

The Second step is the Removal of the germ and brown layers from the grain, to expose a white starch center which is then polished and finally packaged.

Focus on quality has always been part of our story. For this reason we have always been trying to identify the best balance between tradition and latest technology. The result of our quest is extraordinary rice.

Nutritional values make rice an healthy and easily digestible food. To preserve the quality we submit the raw material to severe tests before entering the production process.

Barbastel Sp. z o.o. imports and distributes Grandi Riso in Poland.

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