Artichokes cut in oil – 280/170gr – Inpa – Italian


Artichokes are a perennial green plant, grown primarily in Mediterranean countries. In the kitchen, her flower buds are used, most often boiled and then pickled in oil.

The addition of wine vinegar makes them slightly sour, but only when added to salads, their true taste is extracted. Artichokes are rich in carotene, B vitamins and mineral salts, making them one of the healthiest vegetables.

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INPA was founded by Emilio Innocenti in 1959 in part of the municipality of Vinci (FI). In 1965 they bought the first warehouse and delivery vans, in 1972 with the expansion of the factory and the entry of the founder’s children into the company, the company was transformed into INPA Srl (National Food Products Industry).

Between 1987 and 1994, a new plant was built at S. Ansano in Vinci, Florence province, and both the production lines and the analytical laboratory were completely renovated and in 2011 the quality control laboratory is renewed.  The experience accumulated over the years has led them to develop richer and tastier recipes.

The company, at the insistence of its founder Emilio Innocenti, was characterized from the beginning by a strong family management, and all the goals achieved were the result of cooperation between different generations.  Emilio Innocenti, today the sole director of INPA, belongs to the historic family of founders of the economic boom company.  He began his production adventure with his wife Franca began at the end of the 1950s gathering experience in the production and sale of products typically of Italian origin and in particular of Tuscan land: products in oil, pickles, olives, sweet and sour, fish products and specialities.

The activity has allowed the company to achieve an excellent level of production and guarantee of the finished product and has fostered constant updating to seek the best origin of raw materials.

The laboratory guarantees the traceability of the entire production system with a state-of-the-art management system that manages batches of materials and the finished product by means of barcodes.  Large premises and state-of-the-art equipment supplied to a trained and modernised staff not only ensure the health safety of the products, but also guarantee a constant quality standard monitored both from an organoleptic point of view in search of taste and aromas typical of Italian preserves, and from a commodity point of view in terms of presentation and product size.

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