
  • 85,00 

    Creamy lemon liqueur, harmonic and balanced for refined and delicate palates.

    Traditional Italian, sweet lemon & cream liqueur, Crema al Limone Cappelletti is produced according to an old traditional family recipe, using selected natural ingredients of prime quality. The very best fruit peels added to a mixture of alcohol and fresh milk give this drink a character exceptionally expressive. Intensity of lemon notes at the nose perfectly match the sweet and fully round taste in the palate. Serve cold.

    Also to be used as an ingredient in preparation of desserts or to garnish ice creams.

    500 ml

  • Limoncello italian liqueur with lemons from Garda Lake and south of Italy

    Limoncello is a very delicate traditional liqueur, a symbol of Italy, warm temperature and sun; it is obtained from the infusion of two kind of lemon peels: those from Garda Lake giving an intense aroma, and those from southern Italy delivering the strength of the fruit. To be served from freezer in the summer, and at room temperature in wintertime.

  • 85,00 

    Creamy Pistachio liqueur, that a pistachio lover cannot absolutely miss-out. The harmony and balance of its simple ingredients such as pistachios, cream, alcohol and sugar are completed by the sweet and satisfying sensations of softness and body of the typical pistachio taste;
    Pistachios are used both shelled and peeled, by now the use is common in confectionery, in ice cream, in drinks and in the production of cold cuts and condiments.
    Also to be used as an ingredient in preparation of desserts or to garnish ice creams.

    Interesting to know is that a pistachio plant can live up to 300 years.

    500 ml